Would you mind men wearing pantyhose? Honestly, this is a very interesting topic. We can easily find similar pages or topic sites on the Internet, for example: on Quora, there are many similar topics discussed here, similar to this: Ladies, what would you do if you had found out your boyfriend or husband is wearing your pantyhose?
Would You Mind Men Wearing Pantyhose?
Regarding this issue, I think someone will mind, just as there are always good and bad sides to things. In fact, I wouldn’t mind, because my husband also likes to wear pantyhose, nothing more. In winter, he wears pantyhose to keep his legs warm, and the reason why men wear pantyhose, read guys wear tights best 7 reasons to get more content.
Well, from a male perspective, they’d probably think you were a tad odd and they may question your manhood, I mean how can they be comfortable they are simply not designed to leave us any room down there at all!
My Husband Wear Pantyhose
Well, my husband does wear pantyhose, and I am okay with it. He has, apparently, had a hosiery fetish most of his life. He told me that it started when he was as young as 5. It is something he has kept secret for more than twenty years but, as far as I know, his fetish is simply resigned to pantyhose.
I allow him to do it, but I don’t want any part of it. He does not wear them to bed, and he does not wear them when we have sex. We did try it once or twice, and I will admit that it actually spiced things up quite a bit.
The sex is much better when my husband is in the house. They seem to get him very aroused, and he also becomes very compliant and submissive when he has them on. When I used to let him wear them around the house it was like having my own personal slave.
He would wait on me hand and foot. In addition, he actually looks very good in the hose. The hose is so important to him that he works on his legs on a regular basis. He does a lot of swimming, so his legs are tone and slim. He also keeps them shaved, and I have to admit that he has very nice legs for a guy, especially when he is wearing his hose.
Wear Pantyhose To Keep Warm
A lot of people wear them to keep warm, yours seems to be more a sexual thing, if you enjoy it and your partner does not mind go with it. Personally, except for warmth reasons, I would have a problem with my partner wearing pantyhose, Not that I have any personal experience.
The big question isn’t what we think – it’s what you think and if you have a partner, what your partner thinks. I guess that some men wear makeup to hide bad skin – fair enough too – if we women have the luxury of being able to improve our appearance with makeup, why not men, right?
Also, some women wear pantyhose to make themselves look better – they suck in tummy flab, they shape legs – well the right ones do. However, what about your genitals as wisely pointed out by shroom, they’re not terribly male organ friendly? Would they be able to cope with being cooped up in stockings or are you thinking of the suspender types so as to not interfere with the family jewels?
I don’t Mind wearing Pantyhose
I don’t mind you wearing them or men I’m friends with wearing them but I think I’d have a hard time coming to terms with it if I had a boyfriend who wanted to wear them. Each person is entitled to their own preferences but I’m sure it would make people ask a few questions.
One look at the website ads for hosiery for men that pop up on the pages for your question suggests it’s a huge private market, not for public appearances, and not just for erotica. Remember Ed Wood, the movie director of B-movies (played by Johnny Depp in the film ED WOOD) — he was very heterosexual and just liked the way some women’s fashions felt and how they made him feel.
There was an uproar in the states when women started to wear “men’s pants,” and like that crossover item, pantyhose/tights have been worn by men since at least midlevel times (called leggings.) Just think it out logically: this will be between you and your lover (not all women will react the same way) — make sure you’ve determined that she loves her own legs in them, that she’s a tactile and visually oriented person, and that you have an “out” explanation of she reacts poorly (but give her a minute to process it all; during an unrushed tryst would be the best time to show her.) And make sure you find out what secret sensation she’d like you to know about.
Compression Thigh High Stockings
Pantyhose are very uncomfortable to wear for me and Ausbabe is right, they are not designed for a male. I wear Jobst light compression thigh-high stockings almost daily to help with the pain in my legs. They work for me, I had to choose between them or taking pain pills all the time.
I couldn’t imagine popping pills all the time. I have been wearing them for years now, I am getting to the point where I don’t care anymore what people think. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wear them with shorts (lol) even though I have to say, I’ve been told I have nice legs 😉 My wife has been very supportive and it is just the norm for us after all these years.
One thing I have to mention, If any guys out there are going to wear any type of hosiery out in the open, make sure to shave your legs, LOL, I saw a guy with them on who had seriously hairy legs and Oman, was that a bad…. sight 🙂 Just my two cents… God Bless…
Men Wearing Pantyhose
I am totally cool with men wearing pantyhose. For those who never wear them before, try it. I think you will love the silk feeling on your skin. I agreed that you MUST shave your legs before putting them on. And quite frankly, pantyhose is just another piece of garment. What is the big deal if men wear them?
I used to date a “crossdresser”, although that isn’t the reason we broke up. I loved the look of clothing on him…pantyhose and all. For most men who crossdress, it isn’t a fetish, but a need, usually picked up from a young age, for whatever reason. It is ultimately up to you about wearing hose. It is how you feel about them. And how you feel about it.
If you are in a relationship, does your significant other approve? Do they even know? Is it a subject that will find them running in the other direction? If you arent in a relationship and just asking for advice, well….there are some of us that quite like it.
For you girls that say you don’t think you can handle it, well you never do know, do you? Trust me, my ex is quite a man. He isn’t gay or weird. He has empathy and great respect for women….so much that he wants to emulate us. I find that VERY flattering.
Men Wearing Thong & Pantyhose
Clothing should all be unisex anyway. I’m a male 40yrs old. Been wearing a thong and pantyhose for twenty yrs now .. and wear Clear nail polish. I have a condition around my legs if I wear men’s briefs I get rashes and chafing and blistering .. Painful.
I have to wear pantyhose because of my sore legs and feet from being a chef and working a lot of hrs on my feet. MY fingernails are week and split and tear in two layers have to wear these things for comfort and to continue living every day.
Why can’t society just accept people for who they are and who cares what we wear .. Clothing is just words and colors. Let’s have everything unisex and wear things by choice.
Men Wearing Pantyhose Is Very Sexy
If a man has a great body and he does not have much hair- then wearing pantyhose is very sexy. A lot of women are afraid to admit to liking something like this or even trying it- but it is actually very popular. There are even websites dedicated to this.
Many European pantyhose companies now make pantyhose, especially for men! They are the same as the ones for women, but some are just larger and have a male model on the package. Although I heard that some have a ‘fly’ opening. (that can be fun!)
Looking them up here, brands called Wolford, belly star, woMAN, activeskin, aristoc, leevee & hue all have pantyhose for men. imagine all of those wearers out there- there must be a market. I have only messed about with a man in tights once, and as I was in my sheer pantyhose as well, it was very sexy. Do not forget that men wore tights before women to show off their legs.

As a 36yr old man who wears hose openly, I view it as any other piece of clothing. My wife and friends are completely fine with it. Although, there are some guidelines that men should go by. First, shave the legs!! How many women do you see wearing hose with hairy legs? Nasty.
Second, stay in shape. Man or woman, it makes for a better look. Third, don’t expect everyone to take to it. Some people hate change and thrive on resisting it. Have you ever seen someone wearing goth clothing or an overweight, shape, woman wearing a ‘Britney Spears’ type of outfit? Those people must have been comfortable, but again, not everyone takes to it. Stay true and honest.
I know a guy that does… not the whole pantie hos, but tall socks that are the same material. I made fun of him a couple of times when he wore them, but then I felt really bad. You should do what you want to do and not be judged. I personally hate the feel of them.
My mom uses to make me wear these thick leggings when I was young and it was too cold outside. They were kinda scratchy and itchy. I usually just go without if I’m dressed up. but if I have to wear them for something… such as something fun.. a woman has to get that mid-thigh with a garden belt= the best thing ever.
Men Love Wearing Pantyhose
I am a man that loves wearing pantyhose and my wife supports it and even talked me into wearing them in public. I am far from gay and am as manly as Larry the Cable guy, there’s just something soothing about the smooth silky feeling covering my legs…From My experience some women love it and some get used to it and some think your gay (but it’s ok for them to take our shirts and boxers and they’re not gay.
I am a woman, and I avoid them at all costs. Which is to say… I don’t think I’ve worn them in YEARS at this point. I don’t care what people think, they’re uncomfortable, irritating, and probably the most annoying invention ever. I don’t care what gender you are – if you think pantyhose are comfortable or sexy, you’re out of your mind!
Men Wearing Pantyhose Love The Feeling
I am a straight and married male who loves the feeling of pantyhose. I know most women find this weird and yet do not take into consideration what we as males see. Did you ever notice how you women really enjoy dressing sexy? Your clothes both look and feel sexy. Just look at the clothing males wear. Do they look like they feel sexy and smooth?
No, they are neat and functional at best. BORING. I put on a pair of pantyhose or more and I immediately feel alive as the soft silky materials caress my skin. Ever notice how much fun you gals have trying on clothes? Try our clothes and see if it is still fun.
I would rather be with you trying on your outfits than ours. You see we are not gay, weird, or perverts. We just want to feel and look sexy like you. Nylon, shaved legs, and pumps feel and look great on both of us. For the record, my wife feels the same as most women it is a turn-off for her. She says she does not want someone who feels like another woman. Sounds like too many years of stereotyping men in wool slacks and oxfords to me.

So come on ladies if you haven’t tried talk your man into wearing some sexy clothing you have and see if it isn’t fun. I can also tell you from experience that it will make even the most rugged man more gentle and understanding. It still amazes me how that happens. So ladies let me know what you think.
My girlfriend enjoys it when I wear my pantyhose with her. While lounging around the apartment, she likes to rub my leg and it recalls a pleasant memory of rubbing her mother’s leg like a small child. While having sex, she likes my increased enthusiasm.
Mostly, she enjoys me wearing my pantyhose because she loves me and knows that it is something I enjoy. She is able to ignore the social disapproval and the ignorance of closed-minded people. All that really matters is that nobody is harmed, and she and I had discussed things fully and deeply beforehand.

If a woman likes wearing trousers or pants, what’s wrong with men wearing tights or pantyhose? Is it a crime? I cannot believe so many women on here are such conformists and narrow-minded. Are you all mentally scarred at the thought of the man in a pair of pantyhose? In reading the comments on here I can only surmise…
If you found out your man was wearing a pair of pantyhose you would flee for the hills and ask for instant divorce. This leads me to believe you never truly loved the person in the first place. It’s only a pair of pantyhose for Pete’s sake!
Men Wearing Pantyhose For Sport

I wear pantyhose & tights for sport – running tights in winter (Adidas and Nike make them). They feel great and have the practicality of keeping your legs warm on cold winter days. Was a bit embarrassed to wear them at first but now men wear tights running and cycling all the time and nobody who I pass looks twice? It’s becoming more acceptable for sure!
I’ve been wearing men’s pantyhose since I was 8. my mother put tights on me when I was sick. not long after my cousin gave me pantyhose to try. and I’ve been wearing them since..but not all brands feel that good. I think when women wear them, they have tried on an uncomfy, itchy brand and therefore considered all hose to be evil.
When women wear pantyhose it’s mostly about exposing their legs and their beauty. The best-shaped men’s leg is not as pretty as an average woman’s leg. Men with their big knees and often muscular legs just don’t fit in that kind of market – for now. If I wear them in public (very rare), I show nothing more than just calves, and I think it’s ok.
Latest Fashion Men Wearing Pantyhose
I think it’s great when men wearing pantyhose, it shows they have a lot of styles, not to mention it’s getting to become the latest fashion trend. So, ladies watch out!!! Also, in the winter it gets very cold and nippy, so it’s a great way to keep warm, and they are not that expensive people. Trust me, I have enough. Men should wear them more often, but no need to shave legs.
Well, I must be out of the loop. I never heard of men wearing pantyhose. I must say if I dated a man and found him wearing pantyhose it would be the last date. Sorry, it is just how I feel.
I’ve only known men who wore them while riding motorcycles under their leathers and in the olden days before silk underwear and the new fibers they did id also to keep warm while wearing something thin. But I don’t know about a guy wearing them because they feel good.
Most women hate wearing them because they are annoying, inconvenient, make you too hot, and run. I quit wearing them because they give me rashes on hot humid days and I just can’t keep up the expense. I’d rather have natural legs, well-taken care of course, not definitely naked:-)
Men Wearing Pantyhose Keep Legs Healthy

I am a man wearing pantyhose because I have circulation problems in my legs and was told to do so by my Doctor! Besides, it’s what’s inside that counts I haven’t heard anyone say how they feel about men who wear earrings pierced especially. I don’t wear earrings I think those are what make a man look like a fruitcake! A man can hide the fact that he wears pantyhose but he can’t hide the earrings.
I think if society ESPECIALLY Women accept their men with pierced ears they should accept us Men in pantyhose. Tell the truth how many of you Ladies either date or are married to a man who wears earrings? I don’t see a website or a counter in stores that are dedicated to that do you? I think a woman who wears a dress and NO stockings looks ridiculous so YOU make the appointment with a shrink!
Men Wearing Pantyhose In The Winter

Since I work a lot outside, I buy the best pantyhose for men and wear pantyhose in the winter under my long johns as an extra layer. But it has to be absolutely frigid out for me to do this. They are not very comfortable, but they do keep you warmer in frigid temps. Anyone who would wear them under shorts when it is warm out has rocks in their head.
I’m a 28-year-old woman, and I don’t find anything wrong with men wearing pantyhose. If a man feels comfortable, confident, and better about himself while wearing them, then he should have that right. It’s just like me, I feel better about myself when I wear pantyhose to work, the grocery store and to church,(Catholic Faith). I don’t see any abnormality about it, just because they’re designed mainly for women doesn’t mean that guys can’t enjoy the comfort of wearing them!
Men Wearing Pantyhose In The Office

Men Wearing Pantyhose in the office, My wife told me I should start wearing pantyhose, as I was in a really cold office at the time. It was strictly functional for her and me. Very reluctantly I agreed. The first time she saw me in her pantyhose, she fell in love with the look, it really turned her on. I too must admit that I fell in love with wearing pantyhose, for many reasons. I now wear them on a daily basis, and the “turn on effect” of them hasn’t diminished a bit for my wife (2 years later).
I love them, wish I could wear them every day. I am not gay or weird, just love the feeling and the look. I long for the day that the American culture/society is open and supportive to men shaving their legs and wearing pantyhose. I’m actually OK with men wearing skirts and heels. Again I am a heterosexual male and I love it.
I hope one day and very soon I might add, men could wear skirt suits as business regular everyday business attire. I love the feel of a short skirt on a summer day with a slight breeze. Just me! If more me would try it they may like it. If more men would do it openly in public, and if more clothing manufactures would support it. It could happen almost overnight. I can only hope and pray!
Men Wearing Pantyhose Reduce Leg Fatigue

Go for it guys. I am a guy and I LOVE to wear pantyhose. They help reduce leg fatigue for me. Control top support pantyhose are the best fit for me. When I need more support for my legs, I wear 2 or even 3 pantyhoses at one time. Pantyhose should be part of every man’s wardrobe.
I’m curious to know how women feel about it as well? They feel so good I wear them under my pants during the day, and wear them as pajamas while I sleep through the night. I’m not gay, or anything like that I just love the texture and warmth they provide.
I love the feeling. She’s also asked me to wear (under my trousers) her stockings (hold-ups?) when we’ve gone out for the evening to a restaurant etc. We both get a buzz out of that and the sense of anticipation at what’s in store later is awesome 😀 I suppose it’s turned into a kind of shared fetish for me and my wife and something I’d definitely recommend to other open-minded couples. Life is too short, enjoy everything you do, and don’t get caught up over something so petty as who’s allowed to wear a pair of tights!! By god, there are far more important things in life.
Men Wearing Pantyhose Eliminate Pain
I really do not care what women think about men wearing pantyhose. I wear them to eliminate the pain in my legs from extreme varicose veins and poor blood circulation. I wear them all day long, to bed at night, undergarments, and with shorts on. I usually wear sheer silky support Leggs brand. I wear taupe with shorts, brown or black when wearing a suit. Always color compatible.
I do not wear white pantyhose. Pantyhose are very comfortable and my wife is comfortable with this. (My wife took me out in public one Halloween fully dressed in drag, 5″ heels, black shiny/sheer pantyhose, short tight micro mini skirt, blouse, bra, panties, and a gold anklet. It was kind of exciting. I got a lot of attention i.e. where did you get those shoes? nice legs etc.
Men Wearing Pantyhose in public
I’m a man and I sometimes wear pantyhose in public. I wear them with skirts and dresses. I often wear high heel shoes with them. I’m not even close to being gay, I just love to wear women’s clothes. I don’t care what other people think. If anybody doesn’t like what I’m doing they don’t have to look.
I am a 43yo man and I’ve been wearing pantyhose for about 20 yrs now, discretely and privately for a long time but openly and publicly for about 2 yrs now, I find it interesting however that in searching different sites and articles about this, and also from personal experience, that it seems men are more open-minded and accepting of other men wearing pantyhose than women are. I am straight and I am not a crossdresser, I just like wearing pantyhose.
Men Wearing Pantyhose Mind Blowing

I think there are an awful lot of narrow-minded women on this board. Are you really all so brainwashed by sexual stereotyping and fashion that you would recommend a man to see a psychiatrist just because he enjoys wearing tights? When my wife was pregnant she used to regularly wear my boxers, she still sometimes wears my t-shirts and often wears my socks. Does this make her less of a woman or does she maybe need to see a shrink?
I’m a 35-year-old married man, I work in construction, I have 2 daughters and I am totally straight. I’ve always loved to see women in tights, especially with a smart businesslike skirt suit, I find it very very sexy. My wife has always liked to wear tights/stockings when she is ‘dressed up. A few years ago after a great evening out, she was still wearing stockings during sex and she suggested that I put on some of her hosen.
I was pretty taken back but also pretty drunk too lol so thought why not? I’m always thankful that I did and didn’t refuse, the sex was mind-blowing! I’m not one of these guys who like to wear them all the time but we still both get a kick out of wearing them during sex.
Men Wearing Pantyhose Legs Silken Mist

As a woman with a man into this. I can say at first I was unsure. I gave it a full try. Turns out I love it I love the control I have over him with it. I love the way they feel when we both have them on. He now wears silky pantyhose 24/7. they do actually fit a man’s body pretty well. We did try the “men’s Brands” actually found that women’s brands fit and look much better.
He works on wall street and every day he has on suntan or taupe pantyhose under his suit. Sometimes I have him sleep in them along with a satin chemise. It’s hot and has improved our relationship immensely. It also has put a stop to his flirting with other women. Since he would never want his secret out. legs silken mist fit him great Wolford are for special times.
Pantyhose….are not designed for a male.” Well, pants weren’t designed for females, but they wear them all the time. In fact, many clothing styles that were “designed for males” are considered chic when worn by women. Why must men’s clothing styles be so restricted and scrutinized by women? I thought you gals were more liberated than that!
It doesn’t make a man homosexual if wears anything that was initially intended for women or if he shaves various body parts, or accessories. Maybe YOU are the ones who are uptight! Not all men are hairy Neanderthals who watch sports, scratch, belch, fart, and grunt. It’s a new era. Get used to it. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You can’t have it both ways, ladies.
Everyday Men Wearing Pantyhose

I’m a 34-year-old guy who wears pantyhose every day and am proud of it. My wife is cool with it and is always asking me to wear some of mine. I suffer from depression but when I’m able to have on a pair of suntan or beige pantyhose along with my wife wearing the same my depression isn’t as bad. My wife has great legs and gets a lot of compliments when she wears suntan pantyhose with a skirt or shorts. Also, my wife will borrow her friend’s pantyhose and give them to me to wear since I always do so much for her.
I am glad to see other men wearing pantyhose. I am 43 and I wore them from time to time over the years, but just recently started wearing them regularly. They feel great, and I like the way I look in them. It isn’t to please anyone but myself. I am heterosexual and have been all my life. Men’s fashion is boring. It is up to us individual guys to decide what looks and feels right for us.
Women’s fashion covers a wide range of styles, but men’s have been restricted for what seems like forever. For instance, back in the ’70s and early ’80s, boys and men could wear short shorts and it was the fashion, but since the late 80’s when “jams” came into fashion, men apparently are ashamed to show any part of their legs above the knee! It is oppressive and unfair. Just buck the trend, guys! If you can’t find what you want to wear in what is offered for men, buy what you want to wear from the women’s selections. It’s what they did, so we can, too!
Men Wearing Pantyhose Prevent Blood Clots & Swollen Ankles
I have been wearing them for about thirty years! I am very happy to see this discussion being openly held on the Internet because for many years I thought I was alone in liking to wear this article of clothing. I now often prefer medium compression (18-20 mg), and this is actually healthy for the legs, especially when flying in a plane for any length of time because it helps prevent blood clots and swollen ankles.
I have had a number of girlfriends who were fine with this, and would even give me gifts of pantyhose. A few others were not so enthusiastic. men can have attractive legs too and it is nice to be able to celebrate that as women do. Women have co-opted lots of men’s clothes, including pants and ties, So why not accept men wearing pantyhose or even skirts?

Women are always shopping in men’s departments and wearing men’s clothing. Therefore I see no reason why straight men cannot wear women’s clothing. I feel great in my stiletto high heels, pantyhose, and short mini skirt. Girls, what do you think?
Still, this is simply not for me. I find it odd, and a little freaky. I also think it is a very slippery slope, and that it may lead to other things. I told him in no uncertain terms that I did not care to be associated with it. If he wants to wear pantyhose, then he needs to buy them himself and keep them to himself. I don’t even want to hear about it. We have been married for a little over six years now. When I signed on, I married a man. I am the woman in the relationship, and I don’t need someone trying to one-up me in the femininity department.
Ice Silk Men's Pantyhose Review 39.99
Very durable and comfortable
Very sexy
Very resistant to runs or tearing
Made very well
Ice Silk Men's Pantyhose & 3 different colors
3 different colors Ice Silk Men’s Pantyhose, Incredible fabric! Perfect fit medium! Love the way these feel, especially after shaving my legs and rubbing them down with body oil…something about this hose just feels so much more sensuous compared to store brought products. Plus, they’re very durable and don’t get ruined as quickly when I forget to file down my fingernails.
These feel very durable and comfortable.
4.3( review)
- Very durable and comfortable
- Very resistant to runs or tearing
- Made very well
- Perfect fit medium
- They are smaller than the size chart
That's Ok, Men wearing pantyhose
As a fan who likes pantyhose, I like to wear pantyhose, but I am not a transvestite or pervert, I just like it.
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I have to be honest that as a man the idea of wearing panty hose is kind of weird and it is not something that has crossed my mind at all, I can see the benifits of it but for me, I think I would feel very uncomfortable and akward, is it normal to feel like that or do you think that I am to close minded?
Hi, Marthin Louw
Most people’s first idea is that men’s pantyhose is transvestite or metamorphosis, in fact, some men need to wear pantyhose for health reasons. This kind of pantyhose & tights for medical purposes is called compression pantyhose & tights.
However, in order to better survive the cold winter, some men can also wear very large Daniel’s pantyhose, usually called fleece pantyhose & tights for men.
Because there are pantyhose specially produced and manufactured for men, you will not feel uncomfortable when you wear them. Whether it is embarrassing or not depends on your mentality.